Het Financieele Dagblad: Velké protesty proti premiéru Babišovi

Slova Víta Havelky:
The opposition has called on Babis for a vote of confidence in the parliament. But the question is whether that will happen, and Babis’s tolerance partners do not want to drop him. As long as Basa is under suspicion, he has every interest in remaining as a prime minister, says researcher Vit Havelka of Europeum think tank in Prague.
In the long term, the position of the businessman-politician is affected, Havelka thinks. “There is such controversy and polarization around him personally that it will be difficult to form a new coalition after the next two-year election. We can get a situation in which Babis does win those elections, but no one has to work with. ”
Babis does not want to know about neighborhoods. The afternoon before the mass protest, he told parliament that he obeyed the rules and that the Czech Republic did not have to pay Brussels anything. “This is a questionable audit and an attack on the Czech Republic.”
Naturally, the demonstrators on the Wenceslausplein do not see that. “Enough is enough,” they continue to chant.
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