Foreign Policy: Divided French Left Struggles to Block Marine Le Pen

V článku Emily Tarmkin ve Foreign Policy komentoval náš výzkumný pracovník Martin Michelot situaci okolo nadcházejících francouzských voleb, konkrétně chování francouzského politika Emmanuela Macrona a jeho vliv na socialistickou stranu.
Experts like Europeum’s Martin Michelot say Macron himself has weakened, if not yet fatally, the Socialist Party. Though never a party member, he did once serve in a Socialist government as minister of finance. But he skipped the Socialist Party primary, moving ahead with his own, independent movement, known as En Marche (“Foward”). He is holding parallel meetings, collecting Socialist deputies who are defecting, and painting himself as a political outsider who nevertheless has the support of the chattering classes.
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