REPORT: Western Balkans integration process: State of play in 2017

The event took place in the European Parliament on October 18th, 2017, organized by the Think Visegrad Platform in cooperation with Mr. Eduard Kukan, Member of the European Parliament (EPP). The debate sought to fill in the space voided by the European Commission, which due to its changed schedule decided to publish the annual Progress Report on Western Balkans only in April 2018, and evaluate the progress achieved in the Western Balkans so far. More than 60 people participated in the discussion, with 7 MEPs and several journalists among them.
Úvodní řeči se ujal Eduard Kukan, europoslanec (European People’s Party).
Potvrzení řečníci:
- Dušan Reljić, Head of Office, German Institut for International and Security Affairs (SWP)
- Anna Orosz, Research Fellow, Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT)
- Ján Cingel, Acting Head of European Neighbourhood Programme, GLOBSEC Policy Institute
- Marta Szpala, Senior Fellow, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
Debatu moderoval Tomáš Strážay, Research Fellow, Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA) a uzavřel Christian Danielsson, Director General of DG NEAR, European Commission.
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