REPORT: Portugalské a české předsednictví v Radě EU

It is a very important period to have and hold the presidency of the European Union, in a more technical way - the presidency of the Council of the EU. The presidency now is not exactly as it was or used to be before the Treaty of Lisbon came into force, we know that now there are particular differences which were established by the Treaty in 2007; yet, it is an important moment for a country because ii is a golden opportunity, an opportunity not to miss a moment to sensitize public opinion, especially younger generations to fulfilling the European project, fulfilling the European dream and especially it is very important for governments to void temptation of Brussels blaming when something goes wrong.
It is a fantastic opportunity to talk about the European project, to talk about values and to talk about the future besides, of course, talking about different priorities that every presidency has in the context of „trio“.
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