REPORT: Klimatické politiky V4 v souvislosti s novými klimatickými cíli
Představujeme vám report z uzavřeného kulatého stolu organizovaného Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM ve spolupráci s Centrem dopravy a energetiky dne 6. října 2020.
13. října 2020

The debate focused on the most recent updates of the EU’s 2030 climate targets and how they are being perceived by the four members of the Visegrad group. The meeting was hosted and moderated by Ziga Faktor (Head of Brussels office, EUROPEUM) and Katerina Davidova (Research Fellow, EUROPEUM). The composition of the round table was selected to gather state representatives of the Visegrad countries, representatives of EU institutions as well as researchers and experts from the civil society.
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