POZVÁNKA: Spravedlivé, zelené a digitální uzdravení EU: České a portugalské pohledy
The ambitious triple plan to transform the European Union in a fair, green, and digital fashion moves from the strategy-planning period to its first implementation phase in 2021. The Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU has thus a unique chance to initiate strategies which will define our next decade in face of the current COVID-19 crisis. Besides bringing Europe back on the growth trajectory after the deep recession through the biggest 7-year budget in the EU´s history, there are two equally important ambitions: to start the continent´s path to the 2030 climate targets, and to navigate the bloc to the digital decade. How can this be done in a fair and sustainable manner?
Plán konference:
13:00 až 14:10 Keynote and Opening Remarks – Time to Deliver: A Fair, Green and Digital Recovery
14:10 až 15:40 Making the EU Fit for the 55 %: Energy Transformation through the European Green Deal
15:40 až 17:10 E-Recovery: Initiating the Digital Decade in the Post-COVID-19 Europe
17:10 až 17:30 Concluding Remarks
Více informací najdete na Facebookové události či na stránkách ÚMV. Konference bude rovněž vysílána online na Youtube Evropské komise v ČR.