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POZVÁNKA | EU-Pacific Talks: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Trade relations with the Indo-pacific

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15. 2. 2023
Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na debatu EU-Pacific Talks: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Trade relations with the Indo-pacific, která se bude konat 21. 2. od 13:00 online na našem Facebooku.

POZVÁNKA | EU-Pacific Talks: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Migration and demographic changes

Více info
25. 1. 2023
Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na debatu EU-Pacific Talks: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Migration and demographic changes, která se bude konat 30.1. od 13:00 online na našem Facebooku.
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