Climate diplomacy: actions for strengthening the EU leadership role in forest protection and sustainable development

In the latest blog, Helder Hermani writes about the ways of protection of the Amazon rainforest and environment in general by the European Union as well as other actors.

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Climate diplomacy: actions for strengthening the EU leadership role in forest protection and sustainable development

V posledním blogu Helder Hermani píše o tom, jak můžou Evropská unie a další strany chránit amazonský prales a životní prostředí.

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COP24: When will we finally get rid of the “but”?

Kateřina Davidová addresses the latest COP24 climate conference in Katowice.

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COP24: When will we finally get rid of the “but”?

Kateřina Davidová ve svém blogu hodnotí závěry klimatické konference COP24 v polských Katovicích.

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Review Of The ENP Review: Still The Area Of Security, Stability And Prosperity?

Our Project Manager Nelly Tomčíková analyses the current state of the ‪European‬ ‪Neighbourhood‬ ‪Policy‬ on in her article within the framework of the "The Answer to the Eurasian Challenge for Eastern Europe" project.

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Another challenge for Europe: Fighting irregular warfare & exploitation of the NSAs

Europe, specifically the European Union, is now facing more pressing challenges than ever. Read a blog by Matthieu Crévecoeur in which he emphasizes the importance of staying united on both domestic and European level.

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Další výzva pro Evropu: Nekonvenční válka & využívání nestátních aktérů

Evropa, obzvláště Evropská unie, čelí v současné době naléhavějším výzvám než kdy předtím. Matthieu Crévecouer ve svém novém blogu zdůrazňuje, jak důležité je pro Evropu aby zůstala sjednocená jak na domácí úrovni, tak i na té evropské.

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French foreign policy has to be reconsidered

In the wake of the November 13 Paris attacks, French president Francois Hollande decided to intensify the French military operations to a level politically and financially unbearable in the long term.

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