Talking Europe(um) – podcast about Europe and the EU

Talking Europe(um) is a podcast which comments on current issues in the European Union. List of episodes, as well as information about where you can listen to the podcast, is in the article.

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Warsaw Security Forum 2019: V4 Dialogue on Eastern Partnership

The project entitled “Warsaw Security Forum 2019: V4 Dialogue on Eastern Partnership” was carried out between May 2019 and January 2020 as part of the Casimir Pulaski Foundation’s annual flagship event: the Warsaw Security Forum (2-3 October 2019).

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Warsaw Security Forum 2019: V4 Dialogue on Eastern Partnership

The project entitled “Warsaw Security Forum 2019: V4 Dialogue on Eastern Partnership” was carried out between May 2019 and January 2020 as part of the Casimir Pulaski Foundation’s annual flagship event: the Warsaw Security Forum (2-3 October 2019).

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REPORT: Open Government Partnership in the Czech Republic

On 24th of September we hosted a round table with Jeff Lovitt and Věra Řiháčková Pachta. The aim of the event was to present a progress and discuss major findings and recommendations of the OGP Independent Reporting (IRM) summarized in the Progress Report on the Czech Republic.

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REPORT: Partnerství pro otevřené vládnutí v České republice – pozitivní trendy a pokrok v agendě

Dne 24. září jsme pořádali kulatý stůl na téma Partnerství pro otevřené vládnutí v České republice. Součástí byla i prezentace průběžné zprávy o provádění Akčního plánu ČR Partnerství pro otevřené vládnutí 2016-2018 na období 2016–2017.

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Review Of The ENP Review: Still The Area Of Security, Stability And Prosperity?

Our Project Manager Nelly Tomčíková analyses the current state of the ‪European‬ ‪Neighbourhood‬ ‪Policy‬ on in her article within the framework of the "The Answer to the Eurasian Challenge for Eastern Europe" project.

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