INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks — USA back in business: what to expect from US climate policy?

We would like to invite you to this year's first Prague Climate Talks, focusing on high-level discussions on the complex issue of climate change. The debate is organised by the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM together with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague under the auspices of the UN Czech Republic. The media partner of the project is Deník N. On Thursday, April 29, we will focus on climate changes in the US after the election of President Joe Biden. The event will take place from 5:00 to 6:30 pm online on our Facebook.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: EU-Russian relations - rivalry, or partnership?

We would like to invite you to another in a series of debates of Café Evropa, this time on the topic of EU-Russian relations - rivalry, or partnership? The debate is organized by the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic, European Parliament office and the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM. The media partner of the debate is Dení The debate will take place online on April 20 from 17:30 on our Facebook.

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POLICY PAPER: 100 days of Biden’s new transatlantic strategy – where does Central and Eastern Europe stand?

In her policy paper, our research fellow Danielle Piatkiewicz provides an in-depth review of President Biden’s first 100 days in office. Piatkiewicz particularly examines Biden's new transatlantic strategy and how it affects the Central and Eastern Europe region.

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POLICY PAPER: 100 dní Bidenovy nové transatlantické strategie - Kde stojí střední a východní Evropa?

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Danielle Piatkiewicz ve svém nejnovějším policy paperu poskytuje hloubkové vyhodnocení prvních 100 dní nové prezidentské administrativy Joe Bidena. V policy paperu se Piatkiewicz zaměřuje především na Bidenovu transatlantickou strategii a její vliv na region střední a východní Evropy.

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ČRo Plus: Kosovo has a new government, but same problems

Our Research Fellow Jana Juzová commented on the possible development of the relationship between the USA and the Western Balkans for Czech Radio Plus.

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Aljazeera: ‘Better off here’: Returnee Czechs happy to be home after Brexit

Our head of research and deputy director Christian Kvorning Lassen comments on the post-brexit return of Czechs to their homeland.

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Aljazeera: Češi jsou po návratu domů způsobeným brexitem spokojeni

Náš vedoucí výzkumu a zástupce ředitele Christian Kvorning Lassen komentoval pro mezinárodní médium Aljazeera návrat Čechů do vlasti spojený s brexitem.

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National Convention on EU Affairs: Reform of emission trading system EU ETS

Our institute is a guarantee of the National Convention on EU Affairs on the topic of Reform of emission trading system EU ETS, which will take place online on Friday 9 April.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Coronavirus Vaccination

We would like to invite you to another in a series of debates of Café Evropa, this time on the topic of coronavirus vaccination. The debate is organized by the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic, European Parliament office and the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM. The media partner of the debate is Dení The debate will take place online on April 6 from 17:30 on our Facebook and YouTube.

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TA3: Summit of the EU leaders ended. What did negotiations bring?

The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on Slovak news television TA3. In the broadcast he commented on a summit of the EU leaders, which took place on 25-26 March. The debate particularly covered the rate of vaccination in Europe and potential controls of vaccines exports.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552