What can the EU do to contain the risk of the “Brexit”?

Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM published a policy brief by Jan Váška. Read about potential risks connected to the possible departure of Great Britain from the European Union.

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Socialization of CEE Governments in the EU Environment - Who Shapes the Norms?

How current governing political parties consider the level of their socialization on the European political arena? Does the European environment shape their perception of national interests towards the EU or it is the a opposite way? Find out more in paper by Michal Vít.

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Socializace vlád zemí střední a východní Evropy v rámci EU - kdo tvoří normy?

Jak moc zvažují vládní současné politické strany úroveň socializace v rámci evropské politické arény? Tvaruje evropské prostřední jejich vnímání národních zájmu směrem k EU nebo je tomu právě naopak? Více se dočtete v reportu Michala Víta.

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Scandinavian domino: Denmark follows Sweden in tightening border controls

Following the announcement of Sweden and Denmark to re-introduce border controls in the light of the refugee crisis, Christian Kvorning Lassen looks at the broader implications of this move and the future of the Schengen area.

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Is the EU moving closer to Ukraine? Why mutual perceptions matter

Earlier in November, EUROPEUM had the pleasure to organize a panel discussion on the EU and Ukraine, involving Štefan Füle and Václav Lídl and two distinguished Ukrainian speakers, Oleksii Haran and Maria Zolkina of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation (DIF).

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View from Prague: Czech disinterest, despite challenges posed

Michal Vít looks at the Czech Republic's reactions to the recent Polish parliamentary elections.

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Have the Portuguese approved the reform program of their government?

Another post-election blog, this time about the fragile Portuguese coalition coming into life.

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Odsouhlasili Portugalci reformní program své vlády?

Další povolební blog, tentokrát od Soni Kukučkové o rodící se křehké portugalské vládě.

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Is Poland truly on the verge of a conservative Armageddon?

Michal Vít's take on the Polish parliamentary elections.

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Profit or perish? Hungary and the Czech Republic’s response to the refugee crisis

How politicians in the Czech Republic and Hungary react on the migration crisis? A what myths are currently related to migration in those countries? New blog by Christian Kvorning Lassen.

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email: europeum@europeum.org