| Automobilky s Green Dealem počítají, rušit ho chtějí jen politici

Zelená dohoda pro Evropu je ambiciózní strategie, která má zajistit, že Evropa se stane prvním klimaticky neutrálním kontinentem do roku 2050. Součástí této iniciativy je přechod na elektromobilitu, který má snížit emise skleníkových plynů na minimum. Většina stran, které kandidují do Evropského parlamentu, tuto strategii chtějí měnit, a to i přes to, že automobilky už s přechodem počítají. Téma okomentovala v článku pro výzkumná pracovnice Institutu EUROPEUM Kateřina Davidová.

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TV Nova | European Union faces drug and doctor shortages

Elections to the European Parliament will take place in less than a month. In addition to security issues, experts warn of the threat of health challenges in the coming years. The European Union will have to deal with a shortage of medicines, an aging population and an increasingly aging medical profession. Martin Vokálek, director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on these issues for the main evening broadcast on TV Nova.

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REPORT | EU-Pacific Talks: Fostering Work-Life Balance in Diverse Societies

Another in the series of EU-Pacific talks dealt with fostering work-life balance in diverse societies. The debate focused on examining current demographic trends and their social consequences in high-income countries in Europe and Southeast Asia. The discussion also touched on social systems, flexible job opportunities, and the pressures women face when balancing work and private life.

Zjistit více | The EU will have to deal with new technology problems. It must tame them and yet keep up

The European Parliament elections are less than a month away. One of the issues that will affect not only them, but also the next five years, is digitalization and the rise of technology. According to experts, the challenge will be to protect the elections from misinformation and to tame technology so that it benefits citizens above all. What does Europe need to do to ensure that it does not fall behind the rest of the world in technology? What needs to be regulated and how? Silke Maes, researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, comments for

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Vinohradská 12 | What is the Green Deal about?

Green madness. Tragedy. But also a challenge, an opportunity. This is what Czech politicians are saying about the Green Deal. What is it really about and how will this issue drive the European Parliament elections? A topic for Viktor Daňek, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, which he addresses in Czech radio podcast Vinohradská 12.

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Vinohradská 12 | O čem je Green Deal?

Zelené šílenství. Tragédie. Ale taky výzva, příležitost. To zaznívá od českých politiků na adresu Green Dealu. O čem ve skutečnosti je a jak tohle téma zahýbe volbami do Evropského parlamentu? Téma pro Viktora Daňka, zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM, v podcastu Českého rozhlasu Vinohradská 12.

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Televizní noviny | Is it possible to cancel Green Deal?

One of the most criticised politicises, that was agreed on in Brussels in this term. The critics argue that it decreases the competitiveness of Europe, while environmentalists think it should be stricter. Is it possible to cancel Green Deal? Or at least to modify it? For the main evening broadcast Televizní noviny on TV Nova, Kateřina Davidová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this issue.

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Televizní noviny | Jde zrušit Green Deal?

Jedna z nejkritizovanějších politik, která z Bruselu za poslední období vzešla. Kritici argumentují snížení konkurenceschopnosti Evropy, podle ekologů by bylo ale potřeba naopak přidat. Šlo by Green Deal úplně zrušit? Nebo alespoň upravit? Pro Televizní noviny na TV Nova komentovala Kateřina Davidová, výzkumnice Institutu EUROPEUM.

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Café Evropa | 20 let v EU: Co členství dalo a vzalo Jeseníku?

Zveme vás na další debatu Café Evropa! Green Deal, migrace, bezpečnost, eurovolby, dotace z EU... Zajímá Vás, co z toho má Jeseník? Na tyto a další otázky, Vám odpoví naši hosté. Přijďte diskutovat!

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CNN Prima News | The European Army and the position of the Defense Commissioner

The next European Commission should have a new Commissioner for Defense. There is speculation that this position could go to the Czech Republic. However, some European politicians, such as French President Emmanuel Macron, are calling directly for the creation of European army. But what are the pitfalls of the project? Vít Havelka, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, talked about the usefulness and possibilities for CNN Prima News.

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