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Destination: Transparency project - case studies on the anti-corruption in the V4 countries

Naše seniorní výzkumná pracovnice Věra Řiháčková se podílela na publikaci v rámci projektu Destination: Transparency.
1. července 2015

Corruption is the most oft-cited obstacle in relations between the EU and two of its eastern partners, Moldova and Ukraine. Seeping through public and private exchanges alike, systemic corruption impedes sectoral reforms—a crucial element of modernisation. The handbook offers concrete case studies from the Visegrad countries’ anti-corruption policy tracks and proposes solutions on how Moldova and Ukraine can best capitalise on the EU’s expertise, financial assistance and political momentum in anti-corruption reforms to minimise risk and optimise success. 

Jeden z výstupů v rámci projektu Destination: Transparency - případové studie potírání korupce v zemích V4.

Na této publikaci se podílela naše seniorní výzkumná pracovnice Věra Řiháčková (kapitola o ČR spolu s Helenou Joachimsthalerovou).

Celou publikaci si můžete otevřít v PDF odkazu vedle článku.

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The project “Destination: Transparency—New EU Member States’ Best Practices for Moldova and Ukraine” is led by the Polish Institute of International Affairs, and supported by the International Visegrad Fund.





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