Warsaw Security Forum: NEW SECURITY LEADERS 2018

The New Security Leaders is a leadership and mentoring program for mid-career, high potential leaders from foreign policy, defence and security fields. The program takes place in the margin of Warsaw Security Forum, allowing participants to share their ideas at the Forum and shape the discussion. All costs are covered by the organizers - excluding airfare to Warsaw.
• 26 - 40 years of age
• 5 years of relevant experience in politics, international relations and law, security
• Citizenship of NATO, EU or European Neighbourhood countries
• Submission of policy paper on one of the following issues: cyber security and media operations, defence scenarios and security issues, economy strategy and energy security, peace and stabilization process
Deadline pro zasílání přihlášek je 7. září 2018.
>> Přihlášku a více info naleznete pod tímto linkem. <<
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