iRozhlas: The pandemic overshadowed Brexit, negotiations are still stagnating. Britain with EU are dashing into no deal, says expert

Director of our Institute Vladimír Bartovic was interviewed by iRozhlas, where he talks about the still ongoing negotiations between Great Britain and EU.

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Deník: A vaccine is being sought. EU has raised over seven billion Euros for research

Director of our Institute was quoted in Dení, where he talks about the worldwide fond organized by the EU, which should be used on finding a coronavirus vaccine.

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Europeum and COVID-19

Explore our publications, events and other activities concerning the pandemic and its consequences.

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REPORT: How will coronavirus affect the EU's future?

"Among other things, coronavirus is influencing the negotiations on the form of the multiannual financial framework, which was one of this year's main topics." writes Euroskop in a report from our debate "EU ± // What will happen to the EU after a coronavirus pandemic?"

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