Policy Paper | Barriers and benefits of energy communities in the European Union

Energy communities are an effective means to decentralize and renew our energy systems with sustainable solutions as they are usually based on renewable energy. They have already started emerging in 1970´s, yet there has been a significant increase in their development only in recent years, also in terms of their introduction into the EU legislation. Especially in Western and Northern European countries the concept already enjoys vast popularity. On the other hand, in Central and Eastern European countries (further referred to as CEE) energy communities are only beginning to emerge. The policy brief (based on literature and interviews with various stakeholders ) examines the benefits energy communities may bring, and more importantly, the main obstacles remaining in their way for greater evolution in the CEE region – and especially Visegrad countries (V4). As these initiatives progress, sharing the best practices will ensure the success of the community energy in the energy transition. Writes Alžbeta Gavalcová.

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Právo | Von der Leyen wants to continue leading the EU

As expected, Ursula von der Leyen has confirmed her interest in continuing as President of the European Commission. Since her arrival, she has faced crises such as Brexit, the global pandemic, the battle over vaccines and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The announcement of her candidacy was analysed by Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM institute, in Deník Právo.

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Policy Paper | The Strategic Culture of the European Union in the Sahel EU-initiatives in Niger

The Sahel faces interconnected challenges like poverty, food insecurity, conflicts, terrorism, and climate change. Recent military coups indicate ongoing political instability. Europe, concerned for over a decade, recognizes potential threats to its security, leading the European Union to actively address the region's issues through a comprehensive approach. Writes Hanga Horváth-Sántha, Research Fellow at the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA).

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BLOG | The EU’s communication fiasco: A failed response to the Hamas attack on Israel

The EU didn't manage to communicate well regarding the Hamas attack on Israel. This blog delves into the shortcomings of the EU's response, shedding light on the complexities and challenges faced in handling the aftermath of this sensitive geopolitical situation. Written by Adam Horry.

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Právo | President of the European Council pleases Orbán

Charles Michel announces that he will not stay on as President of the European Council until the end of his mandate and will run for a seat in the European Parliament in June. Such a move could make Viktor Orbán, as head of the presidency, the EU's top representative for a time. You can read about, what will happen if the Union does not find Michel's successor in time, in a commentary by our deputy director Viktor Daňek.

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Policy Paper | Will the future of the EU be driven top-down or bottom up?

Read the article by Markéta Pekarčíková, who has written a policy paper on possible approaches and proposals that the European Union could follow or at least be inspired by. It provides a theoretical perspective on the future of the European Union as perceived by the previous European Commission under the leadership of Jean-Claude Juncker. The EU27 was to decide its future by 2025.

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Právo | The admired and hated father of the euro has died

Jacques Delors, one of the fathers of the euro and a politician who influenced the future of the European Union, died on Wednesday 27 December 2023 at the age of 98. Read what Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director, wrote about him for Právo.

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BLOG | Slovakia’s Foreign Policy after the 2023 parliamentary elections

On September 30th, the long-awaited parliamentary elections held place in Slovakia drawing particularly strong global attention due to their perceived impact on the nation's democratic trajectory and their significance for the unity of the European Union. As a result, Robert Fico, leader of the opposition Smer-SD party, and a former Prime minister in three governments, emerged victorious once again, while his populist, aggressive, and anti-West rhetoric sparked further concerns among the EU leaders. Writes Simona Štibraná.

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BLOG | The EU is running out of time to protect European workers from a turbo Svarc system

As the final phase of negotiations between the European Parliament and the Member States on the EU Platform Work Directive approaches, the fate of millions of workers hangs in the balance. Time is running out to protect Czech and EU workers from the Turbo Shvarc system. Read the full article by Silke Maes Junior Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute.

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BLOG | EU wastes money and food: tackling food waste at EU level

Food waste causes the production of greenhouse gases, wastes water and makes inefficient use of fertile land. In addition to its negative environmental impacts, it is also a social problem. Food is wasted despite the fact that some people are starving. The EU is trying to halve the amount of food waste by 2030 compared to 2015, but current developments suggest that this target will not be achieved. Writes Patricia Vanicka in her blog.

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