| Changing the Green Deal is almost impossible and its cancellation is not desirable

The Czech government's press conference on Wedesday was delayed by nearly two hours due to discussions on the giant nuclear tender for the completion of Dukovany. The originally planned approval of the Czech Green Deal was postponed. Prime Minister Fiala emphasized that no new commitments would be adopted and the government would seek to mitigate the impacts of previously approved measures. However, as noted by researcher Rebeka Hengalová from EUROPEUM Institute for, altering the Green Deal is nearly impossible and canceling it is neither feasible nor desirable.

Show more | Změna Green Dealu je téměř nemožná a jeho zrušení není žádoucí

Středeční vládní tisková konference se zpozdila téměř o dvě hodiny kvůli projednávání jaderného megatendru na dostavbu Dukovan. Původně plánované schvalování českého Green Dealu bylo odloženo. Premiér Fiala zdůraznil, že žádné nové závazky nebudou přijaty a vláda se bude snažit zmírnit dopady dříve schválených opatření. Jak ale podotkla výzkumnice Institutu EUROPEUM Rebeka Hengalová pro, měnit Zelenou dohodu je téměř nemožné a ani není žádoucí ji zrušit.

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RTVS | EU and Ukraine have concluded a comprehensive security agreement in Brussels

The European Union and Ukraine concluded a comprehensive security agreement in Brussels. This builds upon the EU's longstanding support for Ukraine. What did the politicians agree upon? What is new in the new treaty? Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office at the EUROPEUM Institute, commented for the Slovak RTVS.

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Seznam Zprávy | Czechs with MEP Turek and Germans disappointed with the "post-Soviet" development

The European elections ended with the success of far-right parties. Nevertheless, they will probably not have a decisive influence in the European Parliament and there will probably be no significant shift in the European agenda. What will the new MEPs do about the Green Deal or further support for Ukraine? Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of EUROPEUM's Brussels office, comments for the 5:59 podcast of Seznam Zprávy.

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RTVS | Elections show Europeans' new priorities

After the European Parliament elections, the two largest factions retained their positions. However, far right parties has made gains at the expense of the Liberals and Greens. It was significant in France, Germany, Austria and other Member States. Why more and more young people vote for them? Will the right-wing groups in the EP join forces? And how can they influence migration policy, support for Ukraine or the Green Deal? For RTVS programme Z prvej ruky comments Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office.

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RTVS | Volby ukázaly nové priority Evropanů

Po volbách do Evropského parlamentu si pozici sice udržely dvě největší frakce. Na úkor liberálů a zelených však zaznamenala úspěchy krajní pravice. Výrazně si polepšila ve Francii, Německu, Rakousku i dalších členských státech. Proč se k ní přiklání čím dál tím více mladých? A spojí pravicové uskupení v EP síly? Jak mohou ovlivnit migrační politiku, podporu Ukrajiny či Green Deal? Pro pořad Z Prvej ruky RTVS odpovídal Žiga Faktor, zástupce ředitele a vedoucí bruselské kanceláře Institutu EUROPEUM.

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e15 | Summit in Switzerland will show the world that Ukraine wants peace. But it will not bring it

The luxury Alpine hotel Bürgenstock on the shores of Lake Lucerne in Switzerland will host the largest peace conference on Ukraine to date this coming weekend. Leaders and diplomats from nearly 90 countries will be there to seek ways to end the worst armed conflict in Europe since the Second World War. The ambitious event has been accompanied by criticism over the non-participation of Russia, China and US President Joe Biden. Even so, experts say the summit could be an important first step towards peace. Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute, describes the possibilities the conference will offer for e15 journal.

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ČTK | Lipavský: Dealing with Russian aggression is key for the future of Europe

According to Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský, it is crucial for the future of Europe how it deals with Russia's brutal aggression towards Ukraine and its increasingly aggressive stance towards the West. He also emphasized that it will be essential for the European Union to ambitiously strengthen its role as a global player in the coming period, including prompt action in the development of the defense industry. He presented this vision in his speech at the Prague European Summit co-organized by EUROPEUM Institute and the Institute of International Relations.

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ČTK | Lipavský: Pro budoucnost Evropy je klíčové, jak se vypořádá s ruskou agresí

Podle ministra zahraničí Jana Lipavského je klíčové pro budoucnost Evropy, jak se vypořádá s brutální agresí Ruska vůči Ukrajině a jeho stále agresivnějším postojem vůči Západu. Bude také nezbytné, aby Evropská unie v nadcházejícím období ambiciózně posílila svou roli jako globálního hráče, včetně rychlého jednání v oblasti rozvoje obranného průmyslu. Tyto kroky zdůraznil v projevu na Prague European Summit spolupořádaném Institutem EUROPEUM a Ústavem mezinárodních vztahů.

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ČT24 | The European Parliament faced one of the toughest periods. How did it cope with the challenges?

The concluding European Parliament experienced one of the toughest periods. It had to address challenges such as the COVID crisis, the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, and the migration pact. How did the parliament deal with these complex issues? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, assessed the effectiveness of MEPs on a daily broadcast of ČT24.

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