Circularity and lifecycle management of batteries and structural materials in the automotive industry as an opportunity for Czechia*

After three successful projects focusing on the decarbonization of the Czech automotive industry, the Green Europe team of EUROPEUM in collaboration with the Institute of Circular Economy (INCIEN) is broadening its focus and taking a more circular approach. This project will focus on better lifecycle and end-of-life management of materials used in vehicles and batteries. The collaboration will be split into two research areas.

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EU-Pacific Talks | Charting the course for Ukraine: Reassessment of the Indo-Pacific

We would like to invite you to the next debate in the EU-Pacific Talks series, this time on the topic "Charting the course for Ukraine: Reassessment of the Indo-Pacific". The online debate will take place on Tuesday, 28 November, from 13:00 to 14:00 as an online stream on FB.

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RTVS: Former Kosovo army leadership on trial in The Hague

Our researcher Jana Juzová told RTVS why former Kosovo president Hashim Thaçi is standing trial in The Hague. The indictment of the special Hague tribunal accuses him of committing several crimes during the war for independence.

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INVITATION | Pacific Talks: Security Challenges for the Pacific, EU and Russia

We would like to invite you to a debate called "Security Challenges for the Pacific, EU and Russia " in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Friday, December 2 at 11:30.

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Is climate litigation paving the way for a more effective and fair climate governance?

Charlotte Bufano has published a blog post that focuses on the topic of climate change in relation to governments and their policies.

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Představují klimatické spory směr k účinnější a spravedlivější politice ve věci klimatických otázek?

Charlotte Bufano přispěla blogovým článkem, který se zaměřuje na téma klimatické změny ve vztahu k vládám a jejich politikám.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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