Horizont ČT24 | Triumph of far-right populists in Austria

The far-right Freedom party of Austria won country's parliamentary elections. Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office, commented for foreign desk broadcast on ČT24 on the results to the National Council, the lower house of parliament.

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ČT24 | Austrian Freedom Party has a historic success. The question is now coalition potential

The historic success of the Freedom Party of Austria and the dramatic defeat of the ruling People's Party are the results of Sunday's Austrian National Council elections, according to the local media. The Social Democrats are likely to face another reboot and there is no room for small parties in parliament. On Monday night, the Austrian authorities officially published the results of the vote, which are being reported across Europe. Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and head of Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute commented for Czech TV.

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Czech Radio | Only seventeen percent of Czechs satisfied with Czech politics

A poll for Czech Television shows that only 17 percent of Czechs are content with their political representation. Public discontent has intensified due to recent austerity measures intended to address the public deficit, with significant concerns over inflation, increasing living costs, energy price policies, and the government's poor communication. Klára Votavová, an Associate Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, spoke to Czech Radio about the roots of this distrust and how Fiala's government plans to respond ahead of the 2025 parliamentary elections.

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e15 | European politicians boycott Hungarian presidency. Will Orbán continue to provoke?

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán took over the EU Council presidency less than a month ago, but he has already managed to provoke the EU institutions and most member states with his unauthorized "peace" mission to Russia and China. During this mission, he presented himself as a representative of the European Union, despite having no authority to do so. European politicians have responded to this situation with initial retaliatory measures. How will Viktor Orbán proceed? What strategies and tactics might the Hungarian Prime Minister use during his presidency? Oszkár Roginer-Hofmeister, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this for e15.

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TN.cz | Election surprise in France

In recent days, early parliamentary elections have been held in France, but there is no clear winner with a majority. Vít Havelka, Senior Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, describes how the situation in France may develop further.

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CNN Prima News | Elections in France and a new faction in the European Parliament

The early parliamentary elections in France were surprisingly won by the united left, defeating the far-right party of Marine Le Pen. On the European level, she is now expected to join the newly formed Patriots for Europe party in the European Parliament. Martin Vokálek, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for CNN Prima News.

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CNN Prima News | France Elects New Parliament

The French elections were surprisingly won by the left. Its partner in forming a government may be the alliance of President Emmanuel Macron. And on European level Marine Le Pen will join a new political party in the European Parliament, Patriots for Europe, which Czech politician Andrej Babiš co-founded. Listen to the comments of Viktor Daňek, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute for CNN Prima News.

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TV Nova | The far right wins the first round of parliamentary elections in France

The far-right National Rally of Marine Le Pen wins the first round of the early parliamentary elections in France. The foreign media are talking about the end of the Macron era, but he is not giving up and has called on the French people to vote against the far right. Martin Vokálek, executive director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for TV Nova on what is driving voters to the far right and what the situation is in France.

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Deník N | Leaders of parliamentary parties debated about candidates for the European Commission

On Czech Television, the leaders of all parliamentary parties clashed in a debate full of crucial topics ahead of the European elections. In the end, the discussion focused on key European issues, such as the portfolio of the Czech Republic in the European Commission. The debaters also presented their favorites for candidates to the European Commission. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Deník N.

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RTVS | The Last Parliamentary Term in the European Parliament

What was the last parliamentary term like in the European Parliament? How did it manage two crises – the war in Ukraine and COVID-19? And how can the aid to Ukraine be assessed? Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, answers these and other questions in an interview for Slovak television RTVS.

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