| Le Pen's MEPs will weaken ANO's influence in the party

Members of Marine Le Pen's political party will join the newly formed Patriots for Europe group. They will thus become the largest group in this party and thus achieve a better position than the MEPs of the ANO movement. Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini's League is also expected to join. For commented Martin Vokálek, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

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ČT24 | ANO establishes a political alliance with Orbán and Austrian FPÖ

The Italian League, led by Matteo Salvini, will join new European Parliament party announced by the ANO movement, along with Viktor Orbán's Fidesz and the Freedom Party of Austria. They have identified the sovereignty of countries, the fight against illegal migration and the revision of the Green Deal as priorities. The alliance, called Patriots for Europe, now intends to invite other parties, and the group must be made up of MEPs from at least seven countries. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for ČT24.

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Horizont ČT24 | Immigration centre in Albania

A large-scale immigration centre is to be operational in Albania from August. Rome is building it to take illegal migrants intercepted at sea out of its territory until the asylum process is completed. Critics say the plan is unfair to migrants because it will disproportionately prolong their stay in the European Union when they are assessed. Is this an effective solution or is it just part of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's election campaign? Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Horizont ČT24.

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Horizont ČT24 | Imigrační centrum v Albánii

Od srpna má v Albánii fungovat rozsáhlé imigrační centrum. Řím ho staví, aby nelegální migranty zachycené na moři převezl mimo své území dokud neproběhne azylové řížení. Podle kritiků je plán vůči migrantům nespravedlivý, protože v Evropské unii při posuzování jejich pobyt neúměrně prodlouží. Jde o efektivní řešení nebo je to jen součástí předvolební kampaně italské premiérky Giorgie Meloniové? Pro Horizont ČT24 komentoval zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM Viktor Daněk.

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ČRo: What will be the first steps of the new Italian Prime Minister?

Italy has a new government headed by Giorgia Meloni. She took over from her predecessor Mario Draghi on Sunday and was sworn in by President Sergio Mattarella on Saturday. Meloni will lead Italy's most right-wing government since World War II, with Matteo Salvini of the right-wing League of the North party and Antonio Tajani of the conservative Up Italy party as her deputies. The first steps of the new Italian prime minister were outlined by our Associate Research Fellow Alexandr Lagazzi for Czech Radio.

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ČRo: Jaké budou první kroky nové italské premiérky?

Itálie má novou vládu, v jejímž čele je historicky první žena – Giorgia Meloni. V neděli převzala úřad od svého předchůdce Maria Draghiho a v sobotu složila přísahu do rukou prezidenta Sergia Mattarelly. Meloni bude řídit nejpravicovatější vládu Itálie od konce 2. světové války, jejími zástupci jsou Matteo Salvini z pravicové strany Liga Severu a Antonio Tajani z konzervativní strany Vzhůru Itálie. První kroky nové italské premiérky přiblížil pro Český rozhlas náš výzkumný spolupracovník Alexandr Lagazzi.

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TA3: A. Lagazzi on the loss of immunity of the Italian ex-minister Salvini

Former Interior Minister of Italy Matteo Salvini will be stripped of immunity and can be tried. The leader of the far-right League may face up to 15 years imprisonment and up to eight years of ban on political activity. Salvini claims that he is not afraid of the process because he is proud of what he has done during his duties.

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TA3: A. Lagazzi o strate imunity talianskeho exministra Salviniho

Bývalý taliansky minister vnútra Matteo Salvini bude zbavený imunity a môže byť súdený. Šéfovi krajne pravicovej strany Liga môže hroziť až 15-ročné väzenie a až osemročný zákaz politickej činnosti. Salvini tvrdí, že sa procesu nebojí, lebo je hrdý na to čo počas výkonu funkcie urobil.

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ČRo Plus: A. Lagazzi about new Italian government

On Wednesday, our Alexandr Lagazzi was a guest of Czech Radio Plus, where he spoke about the new Italian cabinet, Matteo Salvini and next direction of italy.

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ČRo Plus: A. Lagazzi o nové italské vládě

Náš Alexandr Lagazzi byl ve středu hostem Českého rozhlasu Plus, kde mluvil o novém italském kabinetu, Matteu Salvinim i dalším směřování Itálie.

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