TBS NEWS | Behind the Rise of the Far Right: The Shadow of China and Russia?

The rise of far-right parties in the European Parliament elections has caused concern across the continent. Analysts point to external influences, particularly from China and Russia, as possible causes. Both countries are alleged to have tried to influence the elections through disinformation campaigns. While Europe is facing a rise in populism, possible foreign interference casts a shadow over the ongoing political debate. Jonáš Syrovátka, an analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, comments for the Japanese TV channel TBS NEWS.

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Policy Paper | HOW TO PLAY THE DIGITAL POWER GAME WITH LIMITED MEANS Policy Principles for the Next European Commission

In the global competition for technological dominance, this policy brief sets out six principles for the next Commission on how to play the digital power game with limited resources. Despite the size of its market, the EU lacks common fiscal capacity, capital markets and labour market dynamics. Writes Silke Maes, Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute.

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EU-Pacific Talks | Fostering Work-Life Balance in Diverse Societies

We would like to invite you to the debate called “Fostering Work-Life Balance in Diverse Societies ” in the EU-Pacific Talks series. The debate will take place on Wednesday, April 24 at 13:00 via an online stream on FB.

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Report | EU-Pacific Talks: Taiwan and security dimension – lessons learned, Indo-Pacific containment

During the first debate of the third edition of the EU-Pacific Talks, organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, participants engaged in a lively debate covering various aspects of Taiwan's status. They discussed the economic, military and value drivers behind Taiwan's importance, addressing concerns about China's approach and lessons from other global conflicts such as the war in Ukraine. Read what our guests debated in this report by Adam Horry.

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EU-Pacific Talks | Charting the course for Ukraine: Reassessment of the Indo-Pacific

We would like to invite you to the next debate in the EU-Pacific Talks series, this time on the topic "Charting the course for Ukraine: Reassessment of the Indo-Pacific". The online debate will take place on Tuesday, 28 November, from 13:00 to 14:00 as an online stream on FB.

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EU-Pacific Talks: The weaponization of information: The future of risk in digital era?

We would like to invite you to an online debate entitled "The weaponization of information: the future of risk in digital era?" Join the debate on our Facebook page on Tuesday 24 October at 13:00.

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EU-Pacific Talks: In-EV-itable future of automotive industry: what is the role of the Pacific region

We would like to invite you to the debate called "EU-Pacific Talks: In-EV-itable future of automotive industry: what is the role of the Pacific region" in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Tuesday, May 30 at 13:00.

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Korea on Point: Neither Eastern Europe nor North Korea but the Indo-Pacific is the Future: The Prospects and Challenges for EU-Korea Relations under the Yoon Ad

Tereza Novotná, an associate research fellow at our Institute, wrote an article for Korea on Time, where she argues, that from a security perspective, the EU-South Korea partnership has been marked by three key topics: the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, North Korea, and US-China strategic competition. It would be a smart choice for Yoon’s team to continue and expand on the New Southern Policy rather than trying to come up with a new framework. In the end, it will be neither Eastern Europe nor North Korea but the Indo-Pacific which will hold the key to the future of the EU-Korea partnership.

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Report: EU – Pacific Talks: H2 – Hydrogen Hype

David Plhák wrote a report from the EU - Pacific Talks debate on: H2 - Hydrogen Hype. The debate outlined the current state of the hydrogen economy and its role in the EU, Czech Republic and Japan's efforts to achieve climate neutrality and reduce energy dependence on hydrogen.

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INVITATION: EU-Pacific Talks: H2 - Hydrogen Hype

We would like to invite you to the final debate in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Thursday 17 March at 10:00 and will be broadcasted on our Facebook page.

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