A right-wing coalition triumphed in early elections for the first time since the end of the Second World War, with the most successful party being the Brothers of Italy, led by the controversial Giorgia Meloni. Is the incoming prime minister a populist or will she commit to serious politics? Why is the European Union itself worried about her victory? Our research fellow Alexandr Lagazzi contributed to the debate.
Show moreAs expected, Italians chose the right in the early elections. According to commentators, the winner of the election is clearly the Brothers of Italy party, whose leader Giorga Meloni has already announced that she is ready to govern. Our research associate Alexandr Lagazzi also analysed this topic for Český rozhlas.
Show moreThe winner of the Italian elections is now clear, where will the change come? Who is Giorgia Meloni? What can Italians expect from the new government? And how has this election been affected by the war in Ukraine and the looming energy crisis? Our research associate Alexandre Lagazzi commented on these questions and the election results.
Show moreItaly faces early elections. According to current polls, a right-wing coalition is likely to win. Our research associate Alexandr Lagazzi commented on the fundamental question regarding the shape of the ongoing reforms launched by Prime Minister Draghi in an article for the Roklen24 news portal.
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Show moreOur Alexandr Lagazzi commented, for Denník N, the Sardines movement and the possible outcomes of the Italian regional elections in Emilia Romagna
Show moreOur Alexandr Lagazzi explores, in his latest policy paper, the power games behind Italy's parliamentary elections and the process of forming a new government.
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