Hospodářské noviny | The Green Deal may have been a topic of the European elections, but there is nothing to be done about it anymore

Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Hospodářské noviny's newsletter Directors of Europe on the future of the Green Deal after the recent European Parliament elections.

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Czech Radio | Series: Following the Czech footsteps in the EU

Performances of previous Czech presidents, the contribution of the Czech EU Commissioner Věra Jourová, roaming and reverse charge and the assessment of the Czech Republic as the country of EU Presidency. The topics of the Czech Radio series on Czech footsteps in the European Union were commented by Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

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Aktuálně.cz | We don't take European elections seriously. We vote for candidates that would be fun to watch

After the significant success of Filip Turek and Kateřina Konečná in the European Parliament elections, a discussion has emerged regarding their impact on voter turnout and political engagement, potentially shaping political debates and decision-making in the Czech Republic. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, reflects on their influence on interest in European affairs and potential changes in domestic politics in an interview for the news website Aktuálně.cz.

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TN.cz | What do the results of the European elections indicate about the mood in Czech society?

How do the results of the European Parliament elections reflect the mood in society? Have predictions about the new composition of MEPs being predominantly right-wing been fulfilled? And what skills are essential for the success as a Member of the European Parliament? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments in an interview for TN.cz.

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Radio Free Europe | EU Enlargement is threated by the far right parties in Member States, not in the European Parliament

Even thought parties belonging to the far right achieved good results in the European elections, their growth was not enough to have a major impact on politics in the future European Parliament. What developments can we anticipate with regard to the policy of enlargement of the EU after the elections? Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office, comments on the situation for Serbia's Radio Free Europe.

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TV Nova | EU elections and functioning of the European Parliament

What was the voter turnout in past years in the elections to the European Parliament in the Czech Republic? What are the reasons for such voter turnout? What were the most common myths spread during the campaign? Which topics were key during the Czech European elections? These and other questions were answered by Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

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Sestry.eu | European Parliament Elections: Forecasts, Threats, Expectations

The elections to the European Parliament, which are taking place place from June 6 to 9, could bring significant changes to the EU's political scene. Polls suggest that there could be a strengthening of right-wing and populist parties, which could weaken current support for Ukraine and bolster Eurosceptic and pro-Russian positions. Martin Vokálek, director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for the Ukrainian server Sestry.eu.

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TV Nova | Development of renewable energy sources

How does the Czech public view climate change and the development of renewable energy sources? Do they see it as a path to competitiveness? According to Czechs, should the European Union focus on environmental issues? Rebeka Hengalová, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, discussed the STEM survey results in collaboration with the EUROPEUM Institute on the program "Naše Evropa" on TV Nova.

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Café Evropa | Debate on the European Parliament elections

We invite the participants of the Scout Festival Obrok 2024 to the next in the series of regional debates Café Evropa on the European Parliament elections. We will give participants an insight into how the European Parliament works, why it is important to come to vote on 7 and 8 June, and also present the values of the European Parliament candidates.

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TN.cz | Migration Pact: A yay or nay? Public opinion is divided

Supporters of the new migration pact say the current situation is ineffective and only causes confusion. Critics of the new agreement, on the other hand, say the current status allows for greater flexibility in the processing of migration. But with whom do more voters agree? And do they believe in the security and protection brought by NATO membership? EUROPEUM Institute, in cooperation with the STEM agency, commissioned a survey, the results of which were presented to TN.cz by deputy director of EUROPEUM Viktor Daněk.

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