Senior Researcher / Leader of a Research Programme

EUROPEUM Institute is currently looking for a Senior Researcher/Leader of a Research Programme for one of our work streams with a research focus on topics such as EU’s climate policy and decarbonization of industry, role of the EU as a global player, social dimension of EU regulatory framework, cohesion policy and/or MFF.

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ČTK | Commission President is assembling her team of commissioners, but so far has few candidates

After being approved by the European Parliament, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is starting to assemble her team of commissioners. Some countries have already submitted their candidates, but many are still pending, including the Czech Republic. In Czechia, discussions about potential candidates are ongoing, with additional names being proposed alongside those suggested by the STAN political party. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments on the situation for Czech News Agency.

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FORUM24 | The Impact of the Patriots of Europe Group Power

How could the strengthening of the far right in the European Parliament manifest in practice? How strong and influential could the political group Patriots of Europe become? Could it affect decision-making at the level of the European Council? What developments can we expect in the European Commission under von der Leyen's leadership? Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, answered in an interview for FORUM24.

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ČRo Plus | What to expect from the new Dutch government?

The King of the Netherlands inaugurated the new government of Prime Minister Dick Schoof. A former intelligence chief and non-partisan, replaced Mark Rutte, who had been Prime Minister of the Netherlands for 14 years and now faces a high-profile career in NATO. The new governing coalition consists of four parties, including the far right. What can be expected from the new Dutch government at European level? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments on the situation for ČRo Plus.

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ČRo Plus | Jaká bude nová nizozemská vláda?

Nizozemský král uvedl do úřadu novou vládu premiéra Dicka Schoofa. Bývalý šéf tajných služeb a nestraník vystřídal ve funkci Marka Rutteho, který byl premiérem země celých čtrnáct let a nyní jej čeká kariéra na nejvyšším postu v NATO. Novou vládní koalici tvoří čtyři strany včetně krajní pravice. Co se dá očekávat od nové nizozemské vlády na evropské úrovni? Situaci pro Český rozhlas Plus komentoval Viktor Daněk, zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM.

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TV Nova | Patriots for Europe recruiting new parties for political group status in the European Parliament

Andrej Babiš's dream of establishing a new political party in the European Parliament is coming true and it looks like the new grouping could shuffle the political cards. A number of strong parties have expressed interest in membership and it could happen that even the strongest far-right party could be formed. In addition to ANO movement MEPs two other from Přísaha a Motoristé sobě coalition could also join the party. Martin Vokálek, executive director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the formation and influence of the possible new group for the main evening broadcast on TV Nova.

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Policy Brief | Were Czech industrial policy interests reflected in EU 2024-2029 strategic agenda discussions?

In light of the recent return of industrial policy to the global and EU stage, this policy brief outlines how Czech interests in this policy were reflected in the debates leading up to the adoption of 2024-2029 EU strategic agenda. First, it strives to define Czech industrial policy interests, outlining two alternative approaches to how they can be perceived. The liberal approach follows the long established consensus, according to which Czechia – as a very open, export oriented economy – should promote above all a seamless Single Market and free trade. Writes EUROPEUM Institute researcher Klára Votavová in her Policy Brief.

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Český rozhlas | European election results are a sobering wake-up call for ruling parties

Citizens around Europe are assessing of the outcome of elections to the European Parliament. How may the results change the direction and policies of the EU? And what do they signal about the domestic situation? Deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute Viktor Daněk commented for Czech radio.

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Deník N | The far right will not strengthen in the European Parliament, elections in Member States will be a threat to the EU

The results of the European Parliament elections have confirmed the expected rise in the popularity of the far right and populism. Now it is the turn of negotiations within the factions. These will be decisive for voting on European legislation over the next five years. What is in store for MEPs in the coming days, how much will the election results rewrite the balance of power, what role will the far right play within the EP, or what is the real threat to Europe in the months ahead? Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and EU analyst describes for Deník N.

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Deník N | V europarlamentu krajní pravice neposílí, hrozbou pro EU budou volby v členských zemích

Výsledky voleb do Evropského parlamentu potvrdily předpokládaný nárůst popularity krajní pravice a populismu. Teď na řadu přicházejí jednání uvnitř frakcí. Ta budou rozhodující pro hlasování o evropské legislativě v příštích pěti letech. Co europoslance čeká v nejbližších dnech, jak moc výsledky voleb přepíšou rozložení moci, jakou roli budou mít v rámci EP krajní pravice nebo co je opravdovou hrozbou pro Evropu budoucích měsíců? Pro Deník N popisuje zástupce ředitele Institutu pro Evropskou politiku EUROPEUM a analytik pro Evropskou unii Viktor Daněk.

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