e15 | Síkela has a chance at a key position in the new European Commission, von der Leyen faces tough negotiations

Intense behind-the-scenes negotiations are currently underway in Brussels over the allocation of 27 positions in the new European Commission, which will once again be led by Ursula von der Leyen. The German politician faces two major challenges: the limited number of strong economic portfolios, which many member states, including the Czech Republic, are vying for, and the effort to create the first-ever gender-balanced Commission, complicated by the predominance of male candidates. The situation was commented on for e15 by Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

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e15 | European exporters fear a return of Donald Trump. Brussels already has a plan to deal with it

If Donald Trump wins the upcoming U.S. presidential election, trade relations between the European Union and the United States could face serious challenges next year. Trump has promised to impose a universal ten percent tariff on all goods imported into the American market. Although his rhetoric is primarily aimed at China, such a tariff would also significantly impact European manufacturers. Is the EU preparing for the possibility that Trump could become president again and implement this measure? How would European companies be affected if the next U.S. president were Democrat Kamala Harris? Kateřina Davidová, a senior researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, comments on this topic for e15.

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e15 | European politicians boycott Hungarian presidency. Will Orbán continue to provoke?

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán took over the EU Council presidency less than a month ago, but he has already managed to provoke the EU institutions and most member states with his unauthorized "peace" mission to Russia and China. During this mission, he presented himself as a representative of the European Union, despite having no authority to do so. European politicians have responded to this situation with initial retaliatory measures. How will Viktor Orbán proceed? What strategies and tactics might the Hungarian Prime Minister use during his presidency? Oszkár Roginer-Hofmeister, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this for e15.

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e15 | A run-off election starts in France. Macron and Bardella's double rule would weaken the country in the EU

The nationalist National Association of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella and left-wing parties are seeking victory in the second round. On the other hand, President Emmanuel Macron's party, is hoping for better results than in the first one. Researcher at EUROPEUM Institute Zuzana Krulichová commented for e15.

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e15 | Summit in Switzerland will show the world that Ukraine wants peace. But it will not bring it

The luxury Alpine hotel Bürgenstock on the shores of Lake Lucerne in Switzerland will host the largest peace conference on Ukraine to date this coming weekend. Leaders and diplomats from nearly 90 countries will be there to seek ways to end the worst armed conflict in Europe since the Second World War. The ambitious event has been accompanied by criticism over the non-participation of Russia, China and US President Joe Biden. Even so, experts say the summit could be an important first step towards peace. Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute, describes the possibilities the conference will offer for e15 journal.

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e15 | Green Deal will not end after the EU elections. It needs to be brought back down to earth and wrapped in more attractive paper

This weekend's European Parliament elections will strongly influence the EU agenda for almost the rest of the decade. In particular, the future fate of Green Deal is of great curiosity. After the frenetic green activity of the last five years, the political winds are turning and the appetite for tackling climate change is waning. Filip Křenek, Project Coordinator and Analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, comments on the situation for e15.

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e15 | Slovak government toughens up after attack on Fico. Violent acts may increase, experts warn

Democracy and the rule of law in Slovakia are in even greater danger after last week's assassination of Prime Minister Robert Fico than before. According to the local media, there are fears that government politicians, led by Fico's interim deputy Robert Kaliňák, will try to take advantage of the current situation to introduce repressive measures against the opposition and the liberal media, which could also affect local business. Project manager of EUROPEUM Institute Kristína Chlebáková comments on the situation for e15.

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e15 | Enlargement of the Schengen area to include Romania and Bulgaria

The Schengen area of free movement of goods and persons will was extended to Romania and Bulgaria from Sunday 31 March. The two countries have been waiting seventeen years for this moment, since they joined the European Union. For now, only the maritime and air borders are removed, but land borders should follow in the next few months. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on both the economic benefits and possible risks of partial enlargement for the daily e15.

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E15 | The dispute over money for Ukraine is coming to a head. The security of the whole continent is at stake, warns an expert

The presidents and heads of government of the European Union countries will try to secure additional financial and military aid to Ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros (about 1.2 trillion crowns) at their extraordinary meeting starting on Thursday in Brussels. This has been blocked by Hungary since last December. Vít Havelka, a senior research fellow, answers why this summit could be a turning point.

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E15 | Fico is "orbanising" Slovakia faster than expected. Presidential elections are the hope

In Slovakia, Robert Fico is preparing changes to criminal law that could seriously undermine the functioning of democracy and the rule of law. In particular, the planned abolition of the Office of the Special Prosecutor is a cause for concern. Our project manager Kristína Chlebáková assessed the situation for E15.

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