Looking ahead: Strategic roadmap for transatlantic unity In 2024 -Transatlantic Policy Forum in review-

This report, based on the Transatlantic Policy Forum held in November, examines the challenges facing the transatlantic relationship in 2024 in an increasingly volatile geopolitical environment. It highlights the potential impact on the post-war international order and its democratic values. The Ukrainian counter-offensive, the conflict between Israel and Hamas and the breakdown of dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo are highlighted as critical issues. The article also looks at the friction between China and the United States over Taiwan and possible interference in Taiwan's elections.

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RTVS: Will Serbia and Kosovo be able to continue dialogue after the attack in northern Kosovo?

Relations between Serbia and Kosovo have been worsened by the recent attack in the north of Kosovo. Jana Juzová, a researcher at the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the situation on RTVS.

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RTVS: Bude Srbsko a Kosovo i po útoku na severu Kosova schopno nadále vést dialog?

Vztahy mezi Srbskem a Kosovem zhoršil nedávný útok na severu Kosova. Na RTVS se k situaci vyjádřila naše seniorní výzkumná pracovnice Jana Juzová.

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BLOG | How can the EU boost the implementation of the Franco-German Proposal? A turning point for Kosovo-Serbia normalisation process

Serbia's refusal to recognise Kosovo, which unilaterally declared independence in 2008, is at the root of many problems within the region of Western Balkan. It hinders both countries’ EU membership paths, creates destabilisation in the Balkans, as visible in the recent unrest in northern Kosovo, and hinders regional economic cooperation. Writes our intern from our Brussel's office Costanza Celoria.

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BLOG | How can the EU boost the implementation of the Franco-German Proposal? A turning point for Kosovo-Serbia normalisation process

Odmítnutí Srbska uznat Kosovo, které v roce 2008 jednostranně vyhlásilo nezávislost, je příčinou mnoha problémů v regionu západního Balkánu. Brání oběma zemím v cestě za členstvím v EU, způsobuje destabilizaci na Balkáně, jak je patrné z nedávných nepokojů v severním Kosovu, a brání regionální hospodářské spolupráci. Píše naše stážistka z Bruselu Costanza Celoria.

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RTVS: Violence in northern Kosovo

Our senior researcher Jana Juzová commented on the escalation of tensions in the north of Kosovo on AKTUÁLNE :24.

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RTVS: Násilí na severu Kosova

Naše seniorní výzkumná pracovnice Jana Juzová se v programu AKTUÁLNE :24 vyjádřila k eskalaci napětí na severu Kosova.

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RTVS: Former Kosovo army leadership on trial in The Hague

Our researcher Jana Juzová told RTVS why former Kosovo president Hashim Thaçi is standing trial in The Hague. The indictment of the special Hague tribunal accuses him of committing several crimes during the war for independence.

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RTVS: V Haagu soudí bývalé vedení kosovské armády

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Jana Juzová přiblížila pro RTVS, proč stojí bývalý kosovský prezident Hashim Thaçi před soudem v Haagu. Obžaloba zvláštního haagského tribunálu ho viní z toho, že se během války za nezávislost dopustil několika zločinů.

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INFO.CZ: Serbia and Kosovo at the same table, but without a result. Instead of a solution, the upcoming agreement brought only more questions

After long negotiations, according to the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, on Saturday, March 18, the representatives of Serbia and Kosovo agreed on the final form of the agreement, which is supposed to ensure the normalization of relations between the two countries. Serbia does not recognize the independence of its former province, and relations have further escalated over the past year and a half over a dispute over the recognition of identity documents and vehicle registration plates issued by the two entities. The heated atmosphere in the war-torn region has attracted enormous attention from the US and the European Union, and both sides have invested significant efforts towards calming the situation and formulating an agreement to prevent similar situations in the future.

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