This year the Czech Republic celebrates twenty years of membership in the European Union. In the meantime, the EU has gone through turbulent years associated with a series of crises - from economic to migration to pandemic and security. However, the wealth of the Czechs has increased by more than 40 percent over the years and the standard of living has reached 90 percent of the European average. This is according to data presented by the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic on the occasion of the anniversary, while Czech exports grew by more than 320 percent thanks to EU membership. Žiga Faktor, head of EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office, comments on the other challenges the EU now faces.
Show moreDespite the historical support of EU enlargement policy by the Visegrad Four (V4), these Central European states are now faced with the challenge of reconciling their stances with the new realities of the process. As Ukraine and Moldova opened their accession negotiations, the EU seems to be torn on the questions associated with the future enlargement(s) - institutional reforms and changes within the EU budget. Transitioning from economic beneficiaries to potential contributors, the V4 states must evaluate the potential political and economic impacts of new members on both the EU and their domestic levels. Writes and proposes recommendations Vladislava Gubalova from GLOBSEC.
Show moreThe European Union has initiated accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. What does this mean for its inhabitants? How do the accession talks proceed? And what must the countries fulfill? Jana Juzová, a senior researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, comments for Slovak RTVS Television.
Show moreThe European Union has initiated accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova. This decision was preceded by two years of negotiations. The accession process is expected to take several years. Jana Juzová, a senior researcher at the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the topic for Evening News on Czech Television.
Show moreIn Luxembourg, formal accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova to the European Union have begun. Is this a significant progress towards their eventual EU membership? Which of these two countries has a stronger position? And how does the screening process unfold? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, discussed these topics for
Show moreAre you a Master’s student from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia keen on international relations and NATO's strategic future? Join our workshop series to engage with experts, present your views on NATO’s Open-Door policy, and network with peers from the region.
Show moreHow can the EU enlargement process regain its lost momentum? And how can we learn from previous rounds of enlargement? These questions are answered by a group of authors together with EUROPEUM Institute senior researcher Jana Juzová in a new publication within the REWEU project.
Show moreJak může být procesu rozšiřování EU navrácena ztracená dynamika? A jak se můžeme poučit z předchozích kol rozšíření Unie o nové členy? Na tyto otázky nabízí odpověď skupina autorů spolu se seniorní výzkumnicí Institutu EUROPEUM Janou Juzovou v nové publikaci v rámci projektu REWEU.
Show moreEven thought parties belonging to the far right achieved good results in the European elections, their growth was not enough to have a major impact on politics in the future European Parliament. What developments can we anticipate with regard to the policy of enlargement of the EU after the elections? Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office, comments on the situation for Serbia's Radio Free Europe.
Show moreThe second day of the Prague European Summit 2024 conference at the Czernin Palace was opened with a speech by Czech Minister for European Affairs Martin Dvořák. He thinks of the enlargement of the European Union as crucial. "We have to realize that the enlargement of the EU, our defense and security and the current Central European position are interconnected," he said.
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