The announced departure of Charles Michel from the European Council immediately became the focus of discussions across Brussels and the member states. Our Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office Žiga Faktor commented on several key issues related to the future functioning of the EU.
Show moreLong-term financial aid to Ukraine and the start of accession talks on its membership in the Union will be the main topics of the EU summit in Brussels. The situation in the Middle East is also to be addressed. Our deputy director and head of the Brussels office Žiga Faktor commented on the issue for the TN Nova.
Show moreAccording to world agencies, the European Parliament and the EU-27 are close to reaching a preliminary agreement on the so-called carbon tariff. The instrument, known as CBAM, is intended to prevent companies that produce in the European Union and have to pay for emission allowances there from being disadvantaged against companies from non-EU countries where climate regulations are looser. According to experts, the mechanism will mainly affect Russian companies. Our researcher Kateřina Davidová also commented on this issue.
Show moreThe driving force of the electric car market is no longer Europe or the United States, but China. It is now trying to push its production into Europe, but the European current production infrastructure is not capable to face the challenge. While the debate about electric cars is mainly limited to environmental friendliness and price for consumers, the future of global competition is often neglected. This is what our researchers Vít Havelka and Michal Hrubý point out in a new analysis on electromobility. To safeguard its automotive industry, Europe needs to work on improving its battery production capacities, as well as its supply chains for primary raw materials, the experts say.
Show moreThe leaders of Northern Macedonia and Albania will open their countries' accession talks to the European Union in Brussels on Tuesday, something for which Northern Macedonia has been waiting for over 17 years and Albania for eight. The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented on this fact for Hospodářské noviny. Žiga Faktor also comments on the agreement between Northern Macedonia and Bulgaria. In his view, the EU may have set a precedent by allowing bilateral historical and cultural disputes to become part of the accession process.
Show moreThe leaders of Northern Macedonia and Albania will open their countries' accession talks to the European Union in Brussels on Tuesday, something for which Northern Macedonia has been waiting for over 17 years and Albania for eight. The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented on this fact for Aktuálně.cz. Faktor also commented on the agreement between North Macedonia and Bulgaria, which opened the way for North Macedonia to join the EU. Faktor believes that the EU may have set a precedent by allowing bilateral historical and cultural disputes to become part of the accession process.
Show moreWhat of the Czech priorities can be achieved and what will be the biggest problem? Is there anything missing to reach a consensus among Member States on gas purchases? Our Senior Research Fellow Vít Havelka was a guest on Czech Radio Plus's Topic of the Day.
Show moreOur senior researcher Jana Juzová wrote an article for server about the Brussels summit of EU leaders. In her commentary, she discusses in more detail what topics were on the agenda and whether the question of future EU enlargement was answered.
Show moreWe would like to invite you to a debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "The future of forests in Vysočina - have we learned from the bark beetle calamity?". The debate will take place in person, in the Painted Hall, Museum of Vysočina Jihlava and will also be available to watch online on Facebook. Is the situation really so scary and what does the future hold for the forests of the Vysočina region? What is the current state of forest cover in different parts of the Vysočina region? What circumstances and causes have led to the current state - and which ones are man's fault? What are the consequences of the disaster for nature, wildlife and humans? Can any positives be found in the whole situation? Will our relationship with forests and landscapes change in the future?
Show moreThe director of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, comments for Balkan Insight on the new government's stance on vaccination and the upcoming presidential elections in 2023. The article focuses on the current political situation in the Czech Republic and the challenges it will face in 2022.
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