Dezinfo Czech

Even in the Czech Republic we can find a wide disinformation undergrowth that makes it difficult to know where the truth lies. What are the most common narratives around European issues in this country? What do we need to watch out for? At Europeum, we are launching a new project called DezInfoCzech aimed at uncovering the most common disinformation narratives around European topics.

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Dezinfo Czech

I v České republice nalezneme široké dezinformační podhoubí, kvůli kterému je těžké poznat, kde je pravda. Jaké nejčastější narativy u nás kolem evropských témat vznikají? U čeho je potřeba si dát pozor? V Europeum začínáme nový projekt DezInfoCzech zaměřený na odkrývání nejčastějších dezinformačních narativů spojených s evropskými tématy.

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Report | Café Evropa: Turkey after the elections, what direction it will take

On Wednesday, June 7, a debate took place as part of the Café Evropa cycle, on the topic: "Turkey after the elections, which direction will it go?". The invitation to the debate was accepted by Lucia Najšlová, political scientist and author of the book Turkey and the EU: The Politics of Belonging, as well as by Deník N journalist Dominika Píhová and Břetislav Tureček, head of the Center for Middle East Studies at the Metropolitan University in Prague. The debate was moderated by Žiga Faktor, the head of the Brussels office of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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Summer cinema (ThuleTuvalu) + debate

Institute of International Relations Prague / Institute of International Relations in cooperation with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and the Association for International Affairs invite you to the screening of the film ThuleTuvalu, which was presented at this year's One World Festival.

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Analysis | To be or not to be: Czech Republic’s ambiguous attitude towards the 3SI | Anticipating the 2023 Three Seas Initiative Bucharest Summit. Advancing

Discover Jana Juzová's article titled "To be or not to be: Czech Republic’s ambiguous attitude towards the 3SI" in the working paper series Anticipating the 2023 Three Seas Initiative Bucharest Summit. Advancing the common agenda. Juzová, a senior researcher, provides valuable insights into the complexities of the Czech Republic's stance on the 3SI. Explore this thought-provoking analysis today to understand the dynamics surrounding this strategic initiative.

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Policy Paper | Securing Green Transition

Our Senior Research Fellow, Kateřina Davidová and Research Associate, Jonathan Lyons, in partnership with the Global Policy Research Group, have collaborated on a study that examines the secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials (CRMs) that are key to green technologies. The study recommends a strategy for Sweden and the Czech Republic to ensure sustainable supply chains to help the transition to green technologies.

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Hospodářské noviny: I want the Green Deal, but I'm not paying for it. Resistance to green policies is growing in Europe as people fear high costs

Our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová commented positively on the controversial Ministry of the Environment's "Fix your grandmother's house" programme in an article in Hospodářské noviny focusing on the perception of green policy in Europe.

Show more "Being prime minister is still more than being a heavyweight in Brussels." Boss von der Leyen is falling apart Commission

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, spoke to about the departure of Dutchman Frans Timmermans from the European Commission. The influential vice-president of the European Commission was lured by the prospect of the prime minister's chair in the Netherlands, and his boss, Ursula von der Leyen, has to manage without him. But her difficulties do not end there, a year before the European elections.

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Report | Round table - Electric cars and jobs: How to prepare for changes in the automotive industry?

On June 20, 2023, the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy organized a closed round table entitled Electric cars and jobs: how to prepare for changes in the automotive industry?. The debate was attended by experts from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Ministry of the Environment, as well as from international research organizations, institutions of the European Union, the private sector and, last but not least, representatives of trade unions operating in the automotive industry. The report was written by Rebeka Hengalová.

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E15: EU emission standards will not be enough for China. Beijing is preparing its own rules

The EU countries have decided that the sale of new cars with internal combustion engines will end by 2035 at the latest. Although this is a highly controversial move in the Czech Republic, it is unlikely to be of much significance in the context of the global new car market. The new Euro 7 emissions standard will be the same. Our Senior Research Fellow Vít Havelka commented on this topic.

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