POLICY PAPER: The European Parliament and climate change: past, present and future

Kateřina Davidová, in her latest policy paper, examines climate policy in the European Parliament. Looking ahead and drawing conclusions form past climate policies, what are the future perspectives?

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From Warsaw to Tirana: Overcoming the past together

We are proud to announce that we will be organizing the project ''From Warsaw to Tirana: Overcoming the past together'', supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

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Can the V4’s Priorities shape “Europe’s Priorities”?

Almadi Sejla, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published a policy brief on the role of V4 within EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework 2021 - 2027 priorities.

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REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: Sustainable consumerism – the way forward?

On Thursday September 27, 2018, we organised the sixth event from our project Climate Talks: Sustainable consumerism – the way forward? The report is now available.

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INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks: Sustainable consumerism – the way forward?

We are proud to present the sixth event from our project Prague Climate Talks, which will take place on September 27, 2018 at 16:00 in the European House in Prague.

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Prague Climate Talks 2018

We are proud the continuation of our project aimed at establishing a platform for continued high-level discussion on the complex issue of climate change: Prague Climate Talks. The project will again host a series of debates with experts, professionals from varying relevant fields and the general public.

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Trump’s backtracking on climate commitments is a double-edged sword

In her newest blog, our Kateřina Davidová analyzes the impact of the recent climate and environmental decisions of president Donald Trump on the US.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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email: europeum@europeum.org