Český rozhlas | Who will be the next Czech commissioner?

The Mayor's party, who have the right to nominate a European Commissioner under the Czech coalition agreement, have announced that they will nominate both Danuše Nerudová and Jozef Sikela for the position of the next Czech European Commissioner. The government is due to decide on a candidate by the end of August. Can the Czech Republic get a highly sought-after economic portfolio? What are the advantages for the country if it gets it? And how difficult is the process of questioning candidates in the European Parliament, the so-called grilling? Klára Votavová, researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, answered these and other questions in an interview for Czech Radio.

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RTVS | EU leaders discussed the new European Commission

On Monday, June 17, an informal meeting of the 27 member states of the European Union took place. Their leaders discussed the nominations of members for the new European Commission. Ursula von der Leyen will also have to compete for her position as President of the European Commission again. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, discussed her chances on the Slovak television RTVS.

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ČT24 | Political shift after the European Parliament elections and its impact on the future of the EU

After the European Parliament elections, the strongest faction remains the European People's Party, a grouping that includes TOP09, KDU-ČSL and the Mayors and Independents. The Socialists and Democrats are second and Renew Europe, which includes the winning ANO party, is third. How significantly did the elections affect the European Parliament? Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for ČT24.

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Analysis | Conditions for Regional Preparedness to Draw on the Just Transition Fund

Through interviews with officials and other relevant actors at national and regional level, this research report identifies conditions for regional preparedness to draw on the Just Transition Fund. Researcher at EUROPEUM Institute Klára Votavová compares the situation in two of the three Czech regions that are drawing on the Fund: Moravian-Silesian and Karlovy Vary Region.

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Analýza | Podmínky úspěšného čerpání Fondu spravedlivé transformace na krajské úrovni

Cílem této výzkumné zprávy je na základě rozhovorů s úředníky a dalšími relevantními aktéry na národní i krajské úrovni identifikovat, jaké podmínky kraje potřebují, aby dokázaly rychle a účelně čerpat Fond spravedlivé transformace. Pro porovnání si výzkumná pracovnice Institutu EUROPEUM Klára Votavová vybrala dva ze tří českých krajů, které tento fond čerpají: Moravskoslezský a Karlovarský kraj.

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ČT24 | Czechs voted for the European Parliament. How was the campaign?

For the fifth time Czech voters choose their representatives to the European Parliament. Almost 700 candidates competed for 21 seats. What did they offer and what was the campaign like? Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, comments for Czech Television's investigative programme 168 hodin.

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168 hodin | Who is the surprise of the European election?

Filip Turek, originally an outsider, pulled the Přísaha and Motorists coalition into third place and gained more than ten percent of the vote. He bet on a ban on internal combustion engines and social networks. How realistic are his election promises? Who did he take votes from and who helped him? Filip Křenek, Project Coordinator and Analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the topic for Czech Television's investigative programme 168 hodin.

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PES 2024 | The EU must cooperate not only militarily, but also to defend itself against cyber attacks from Russia, said Minister Dvořák at the conference

The second day of the Prague European Summit 2024 conference at the Czernin Palace was opened with a speech by Czech Minister for European Affairs Martin Dvořák. He thinks of the enlargement of the European Union as crucial. "We have to realize that the enlargement of the EU, our defense and security and the current Central European position are interconnected," he said.

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PES 2024 | EU musí spolupracovat nejen vojensky, ale bránit se i kyberútokům z Ruska. Rozšíření Unie považuji za klíčové, řekl ministr Dvořák na konferenci

Druhý den konference Prague European Summit 2024 v Černínském paláci otevřel projevem ministr pro evropské záležitosti Martin Dvořák. Jako zásadní zmínil rozšíření Evropské unie. „Musíme si uvědomit, že rozšíření EU, naše obrana a bezpečnost a současné středoevropské postavení jsou vzájemně propojeny,“ uvedl.

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Prague European Summit | "Nuclear energy must be part of the Green Deal." Ministers Lipavský and Síkela presented their priorities for the next European Commis

Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský and Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Síkela delivered speeches at the 10th anniversary of the Prague European Summit. Both responded to the ever-changing challenges facing Europe and Russia's expanding aggression, while Minister Síkela stressed the need of economical transformation.

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