Législatives tchèques: quels enjeux en Europe centrale?

Our Martin Michelot will be speaking about the Czech elections and the future of Czech EU policies tomorrow at Cafe 35 Institut français de Prague.

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Législatives tchèques: quels enjeux en Europe centrale?

Náš Martin Michelot bude jedním z hostů debaty o českých volbách a budoucích vztazích České republiky a Evropské unie, která se uskuteční zítra 15. 11. v Cafe 35.

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REPORT: The Future of the Visegrad Group

On 24 October 2017 in Berlin, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and Das Progressive Zentrum launched the second episode of their joint project "Future Scenarios for the Visegrad Group".

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INVITATION: What Europe in 2025?

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that we co-organize under Prague European Summit titled ''What Europe in 2025?''

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POZVÁNKA: Evropa v roce 2025

Přijměte pozvání na debatu s názvem ''Evropa v roce 2025'', kterou spolupořádáme v rámci Prague European Summit.

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Catalonian independence – a dilemma for Spain, but also for Europe

Miroslava Pěčková analyses, in her new blog, the situation of Catalonia's autonomy and relations with Spain.

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REPORT: The future of the Cohesion Policy in the new Multiannual Financial Framework: Perspectives from Central Europe

On Thursday 26th of October 2017 we organized a roundtable debate "The future of the Cohesion Policy in the new Multiannual Financial Framework: Perspectives from Central Europe", from which a report is now available.

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REPORT: The future of the Cohesion Policy in the new Multiannual Financial Framework: Perspectives from Central Europe

Dne 26. října 2017 se konal kulatý stůl pod názvem ''The future of the Cohesion Policy in the new Multiannual Financial Framework: Perspectives from Central Europe'', ze které je nyní k dispozici report.

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ČT24: Upcoming summit about migration and security

Vladimír Bartovic in an interview for ČT24 commented on the upcominh european leaders about migration and security.

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derStandard.at: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik: debate "Nationalistic politics and its reception in central Europe"

On October 3rd, our researcher Christian Kvorning Lassen took part in the project "Nationalistic politics and its reception in Central Europe" organized by the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik in Vienna.

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