Deník N | Leaders of parliamentary parties debated about candidates for the European Commission

On Czech Television, the leaders of all parliamentary parties clashed in a debate full of crucial topics ahead of the European elections. In the end, the discussion focused on key European issues, such as the portfolio of the Czech Republic in the European Commission. The debaters also presented their favorites for candidates to the European Commission. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Deník N.

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Deník N | Lídři sněmovních stran debatovali o kandidátech do Evropské komise

V České televizi se před eurovolbami střetli lídři všech sněmovních stran v debatě plné zásadních témat. V závěru se diskuse zaměřila na klíčové evropské otázky, jako je portfolio České republiky v Evropské komisi. Debatující také představili své favority na kandidáty do Evropské komise. Pro Deník N komentoval Martin Vokálek, výkonný ředitel Institutu EUROPEUM.

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TV Nova | How does the Czech public view climate change and the development of renewable energy sources?

Before the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, a debate was held on TV Nova among the leading figures of the seven main political parties, movements, and coalitions. Discussions revolved around important issues such as the migration pact or the conflict in Ukraine. Rebeka Hengalová, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, provided an analysis for TV Nova on how the Czech public views climate change and the development of renewable energy sources.

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TV Nova | What threatens the European Union?

Before the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, a debate was held on TV Nova among the leading figures of the seven main political parties, movements, and coalitions. Important issues such as the migration pact or the conflict in Ukraine were discussed. Martin Vokálek, Director of EUROPEUM Institute, provided an analysis for TV Nova regarding the main threats facing the European Union.

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ČTK | The necessity to adapt cities to the increasing heatwaves

With the increasing frequency of tropical days due to climate change, it is essential to adapt cities as soon as possible through various adaptation measures, such as planting trees and plants. Experts emphasize the need for projects that reduce temperature and improve the quality of life for city residents, despite the financial challenges of their implementation. ČTK reports on the discussion on climate change organized by EUROPEUM Institute.

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ČTK | Nutnost přizpůsobit města narůstajícím vln veder

S narůstající frekvencí tropických dnů kvůli klimatické změně je nezbytné co nejdříve přizpůsobit města pomocí různých adaptačních opatření, jako je vysázení stromů a rostlin. Odborníci zdůrazňují potřebu projektů, které snižují teplotu a zlepšují kvalitu života obyvatel měst, a to i přes finanční náročnost jejich realizace. O diskuzi na téma klimatické změny, pořádané Institutem EUROPEUM, informuje ČTK.

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ČT24 | European Parliament elections begin

Do the elections across European countries have a common theme? If far-right parties succeed, can they unite? How can the problem of long-term low voter turnout in European elections be explained? Is this trend only in Central Europe? Can candidates for the European Parliament really deliver on what they promise? What happens immediately after the elections? Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, answered these and other questions.

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Election night on the results of the European Parliament elections

We invite you to the event organized by the European Parliament Office in the Czech Republic, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and STEM Institute for Empirical Research. The evening will include two debates on the evaluation of the European Parliament and what challenges await the new one and the European elections and the future of Europe. Speakers include former MEP Pavel Telička and Vendula Kazlauskas from the Association for International Affairs. More information and a detailed programe of the evening can be found below.

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Zdravotnický deník | Population Health

Politicians and companies should start putting more emphasis on prevention and education about active and healthy lifestyles, because the health of the population has a major impact on the competitiveness of companies and the national economy. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this issue.

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Zdravotnický deník | Zdravotní stav populace

Politici i firmy by měli začít klást větší důraz na prevenci a osvětu ohledně aktivního a zdravého životního stylu, protože zdravotní stav populace má zásadní vliv na konkurence schopnost firem a celé národní ekonomiky. K této problematice se vyjádřil Viktor Daněk, zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM.

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