Brexit: Challenges for the European Union and the United Kingdom

The Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University under the auspices of the Rector H.E. prof. Tomáš Zima organises in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Prague the international conference ''Brexit: Challenges for the European Union and the United Kingdom''.

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Why are think tanks more important now than ever before: think tanks in a post-factual world

Following up to last year's results and marking the launch of the 2016 Go To Think Tank Index we organize a public discussion destined to take stock of how think tanks in the Czech Republic and beyond are still able today to fulfill their functions of informing policy debates.

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European Summer School 2017 – "Challenged Union: Making Sense of the Troublemakers"

EUROPEUM organizes its 15th European Summer School - this time focused on Euroscepticism. Early-bird discounts are prepared for those who apply before January 31.

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REPORT: American students visited EUROPEUM

American students from Ohio visited EUROPEUM on 13th December 2016. Our research fellows introduced them EUROPEUM's activities and then discussed the topics that are currently discussed within the European Union.

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Radio Prague: Défense: vers un espace aérien commun tchéco-slovaque

Martin Michelot commented on the cooperation of Czech and Slovak airforces for Radio Prague.

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Defence and Industrial Policy in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

Our deputy director Martin Michelot co-authored the new policy paper analyzing the defence and industrial policy of Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

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RTVS: German deportation policy

Our research fellow Christian K. Lassen commented for radio RTVS on the possible impact of the planned deportation policy tightening in Germany.

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Café Evropa: The European Union and China – what can this superpower offer and take?

The report and a video footage from the debate ''The European Union and China – what can this superpower offer and take?'' that took place on Wednesday, December 7, are now available.

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Hospodářské noviny: Either money or migrants

Our research fellow Michal Vít talks with Hospodářské noviny about the situation of the migration crisis in the Balkans.

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Hospodářské noviny: If we don't want migrants, we must pay

Our research fellow Michal Vít commented in an interview for Hospodářské noviny on the situation of the migration crisis following his trip on the Balkan route.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Prague 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552