Better Regulation Agenda - Better Deal for European Industry and Businesses? A view from the Central European Perspective

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is one of the organizers of this breakfast roundtable which will bring together representatives of businesses, governments and EU institutions, to debate about priorities of the EU Better Regulation Agenda in the year ahead while considering interests of the EU Central and Eastern European Member States.

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V4 Trust – the Czech Presidency of the Visegrad Group (2015-2016)

EUROPEUM's director Vladimír Bartovic is one of the co-authors of a mid-term paper evaluating the Czech V4 presidency.

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Road to the EU of the Visegrad countries: lessons for Ukraine

Václav Kříž's report from Ukraine.

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Ukraine after elections: Challenges, opportunities and Czech contribution

The Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM, Association for International Affairs (AMO) and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung will on Thursday November 11 at organize a discussion.

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Science and research in the EU – Are we successful?

Accept, please, our invitation to seminar about successful Czech scientists.

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European Summer School 2015 – "Challenges for Europe"

Registration for our summer school has just begun.

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Regulating party finances in Ukraine: lessons from the Czech Republic

Policy paper by Oleksii Sydorchuk focuses on the issue of political party finances in Ukraine. The paper uses the Czech Republic as a model country to demonstrate upsides and downsides of public financing.

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Some valuable lessons from U.S. politics?

Although the Europeans might see the U.S. presidential elections as rather bizarre, it currently presents similar trends to those in Europe. The phenomenon of “antisystem” candidates can now be found on both sides of the Atlantic. Read what Martin Michelot thinks about this development.

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What can the EU do to contain the risk of the “Brexit”?

Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM published a policy brief by Jan Váška. Read about potential risks connected to the possible departure of Great Britain from the European Union.

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European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2015

Vladimír Bartovic contributed to the European Foreign Policy Scorecard published by ECFR think-tank.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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