The Czech Republic and the Fiscal Compact - What Position Will We Finally Take?

We co-organised a seminar on the fiscal compact and the Czech Republic's position.

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The EU and Ukraine – How Can the EU Influence Future Development of Ukraine?

We are co-organising a seminar on the future developments of Ukraine.

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The EU Emissions Trading System: Time for a radical overhaul?

The latest policy paper by Kateřina Davidová and Christian Kvorning Lassen analyses the EU Emissions Trading System and proposes a set of recommendations in the light of the current revision agenda.

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The current state of eurozone at the beginning of the year 2014 – how do the member states perform?

We co-organised a seminar entitled "The current state of eurozone at the beginning of the year 2014 – how do the member states perform?".

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Erasmus + - is there any real „plus“?

We co-organised a seminar on the Erasmus + programme.

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Populist logic: “Brexit turned out to be a disaster – let’s call for Czexit!”

Our research fellow Christian Kvorning Lassen analyses the wave of populism and the crisis of leadership in many EU countries after the outcome of the British referendum.

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ČRo Plus: Introducing the State of the Union speech

Michal Vít commented on ČRo Plus Jean-Claude Juncker's State of the Union speech towards the MEPs.

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Visegrad in the EU - How Much Do We Matter? Project Outputs

Two years ago, under the expertise of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Director Vladimír Bartovic a new project called "Visegrad in the EU - How Much Do We Matter?" was launched. We now proudly present the project outputs.

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ČRo Plus: Meetings of the Visegrad countries before the EU summit in Bratislava

Michal Vít commented on ČRo Plus the meetings of the V4 countries and the EU's position towards the cooperation of this group within the EU.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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