ČRo Plus: Introducing the State of the Union speech

Michal Vít commented on ČRo Plus Jean-Claude Juncker's State of the Union speech towards the MEPs.

Michal Vít commented the 14th of September 2016 on ČRo Plus Jean-Claude Juncker's State of the Union speech. What political responsibility did the Juncker Commission hold, primarily within the process of the UK leaving the EU? Were the original expectations from Jean-Claude Juncker met, and did a self-reflection of the European Commission happen?

Listen to the full interview, in Czech, at [24:09 - 31:38] here:


#State of the Union #Jean-Claude Juncker #European Commission #Brexit #SOTEU

Michal Vít
Research Fellow (until September 2018)

Topics: Political parties, National identity, V4

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