Results of the Think Visegrad Fellowship

All eight participating organizations know the names of their new fellows! Tija Memisevic was chosen to conduct her research at EUROPEUM.

Think Visegrad, funded by the International Visegrad Fund, is a think tank plat­form for struc­tured dia­logue on issues of strate­gic regional impor­tance. The plat­form aims to ana­lyze key issues for the Visegrad Group (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia), and pro­vides rec­om­men­da­tions to the gov­ern­ments of the V4 coun­tries, the annual pres­i­den­cies of the Group, and the International Visegrad Fund. 

The fellowship will last 6 to 8 weeks. Successful applicants were chosen based on their application composed of motivation letter and structured CV.

Complete results: 

Center for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) - Olga ZELINSKA

Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) - Oana POPESCU

EUROPEUM – Institute for European Policy Tija MEMISEVIC

GLOBSEC Policy Institute (former CEPI) - Marta CHURELLA

Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT) - Yuri TSARIK

Institute of International Relations (IIR) - Marko LOVEC

Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA) - Patrick McGRATH

The Society of the Institute of East-Central Europe  (TIESW) - Yaroslav KIT


You can find more information about the fellowship here.

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