EU MONITOR: Geothermal energy and the Visegrad group

Tatiana Mindeková wrote EU MONITOR about the importance of, often neglected, geothermal energy in the decarbonization process. She explains how geothermal energy works, what its advantages are, and, conversely, what challenges it brings. She also addresses the usage of geothermal energy in the Visegrad countries.

While the calls for the utilisation of renewable wind and solar energy to reach decarbonisation targets are already clear and loud, geothermal energy does not receive the same amount of attention. However, studies on geothermal energy confirm that its potential in the process of decarbonisation is substantial. To correct the current lack of focus on geothermal, this paper will start by providing information about how geothermal energy works and what are its benefits and challenges. The second part of this paper will then provide a brief summary of the current state of knowledge regarding the potential and utilisation of geothermal energy in the Visegrad countries and present arguments on why more attention should be given to the utilisation of geothermal energy in V4.

You can read the whole article by clicking on the PDF button.

#EU #EU monitor #Geothermal energy #Visegrad group #Decarbonization

Tatiana Mindeková
Associate Research Fellow
EU Monitor Archív
Publications series

Raising awareness about the inner workings of the European Union and how they impact the influence of the Czech Republic within EU structures.

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