INVITATION: Czech EU Presidency - what promotional events are planned?

We invite you to a debate entitled "Czech EU Presidency - what promotional events are planned?" The debate will take place on Thursday 2 December at 17:30.


- Nikola Hořejš, Psychologist, Director of the European STEM Programme
- Eva Húsková, Head of the Communication Department of the Czech EU Presidency, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic
- Jitka Pánek Jurková, Director, Czech Centre Brussels
- Eliška Tomalová, Head of the Department of European Studies, IMS FSV UK

Moderator: Vít Havelka, Research Fellow, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy

The event will be broadcast live online and you can watch the live stream here on the event page

You will be able to join the discussion directly during the debate by commenting below the video. If you already have any questions, please post them in the discussion at the event.
The live stream and a recording of the discussion will also be available here:




#EU #presidency #debate

Vít Havelka
Senior Research Fellow

Expertise: EU institutional relations with member states, europeisation, transformation role of EU

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