Our institute is a professional guarantor of the National Convention on EU Affairs on the topic of the new Pact on migration and asylum and the future of migration policy, which will take place on January 29 in an online environment.
Our Christian Kvorning Lassen and Vladimír Bartovic prepared the background document for this round table debate.
The main topics of discussion are:
The document (in Czech language) is available throught the PDF button.
More information can be found on the National Convention on EU Affairs website.
#National Convention on EU Affairs #Pact on Migration and AsylumExpertise: Migration/European migration crisis, EU foreign policy, Scandinavian politics, populism, EU enlargement policy
Expertise: EU institutional issues, Economic and Monetary Union, € and European budget, Brexit, EU foreign policy, EU enlargement with the focus on Western Balkans, Slovak foreign and domestic policy and economic issues
Background materials for the debates of the National Convention on the European Union