REPORT: New Transatlanticism in Central Europe: The V4 and NATO in Question

The report from the conference ''New Transatlanticism in Central Europe: The V4 and NATO in Question'', which took place on June 7, 2018 in Brussels, is now available.

  • The event took place at the German Marshall Fund of the US Brussels Office,
  • Brussels on Thursday June 7th, 2018. With the 2018 NATO Summit bringing between 15 and 20 years of NATO membership for the Visegrad Four countries, the unique opportunity to understand what the Alliance has brought to these countries and how it continues to be perceived today was presented.
  • V4 countries remain committed to long-term deterrence measures toward Russia but have had lackluster levels of defense spending and commitment in other frameworks — the EU, for example. This event explored the expectations of Central European countries from the next NATO Summit and beyond. The conference was co-organized by the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Think Visegrad platform.

You can download the report through the PDF button on the right.

#transatlanticism #Central Europe #NATO #V4

Brussels Office
Avenue de Broqueville 40, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
Zuzana Stuchlíková
Associate Research Fellow

Expertise: Central Europe, EU Institutions

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