European Integration of the Western Balkans - Can the Visegrad Group Countries Serve as Role Models?

New study edited by The European Movement in Serbia (EMinS) with an input from our fellow researcher Michal Vít.

It is collection of papers from four “new” EU member countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and one candidate country (Serbia) deals with the results of the great EU expansion in 2004 and its impact on internal reforms in the Visegrad Group countries (V4), as well as related adjustments within the EU. The project aimed to identify practical lessons for Serbia and the Western Balkans which could make the EU enlargement process towards this region faster and more efficient

Full study available online.

#publication #V4 #Serbia

Michal Vít
Research Fellow (until September 2018)

Topics: Political parties, National identity, V4

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