Principles over Security? The Impact of the Upcoming Danish Exit from Europol

Christian Kvorning Lassen focuses in the latest issue of the BRUSSELS MONITOR series on the impact of the Danish exit from Europol.

  • Denmark to be excluded from Europol due to electing not to abolish its JHA opt-outs. The Operational Agreement it has since negotiated with the EU falls short in several key areas, preventing optimal mutual cooperation between Denmark and the EU on important issues such as counter-terrorism and international organized crime. The implications ofthe operational agreement in regards to Europol are potentially far-reaching for Denmark in terms of both its EU policy and security, but also for the EU, which has to balance institutional dilemmas with security concerns. 

Read the full publication by clicking on the PDF button next to this article.

#Brussels Monitor #Denmark #Europol #Operational Agreement

Christian Kvorning Lassen
Deputy Director & Head of Research

Expertise: Migration/European migration crisis, EU foreign policy, Scandinavian politics, populism, EU enlargement policy

EU Monitor Archív
Publications series

Raising awareness about the inner workings of the European Union and how they impact the influence of the Czech Republic within EU structures.

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