Martin Michelot edited a German Marshall Fund of the US publication on the challenges for the transatlantic security partnership in the MENA region.
The publication includes three complementary pieces addressing different challenges for the transatlantic security partnership in the MENA region:
Transatlantic powers remain highly reluctant to directly intervene in the security crises in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Facing a multiplicity of crises and issues, transatlantic powers have often failed to adopt a proactive approach, and the case-by-case reactions have shown various degrees of success. Reliance on regional partners has not delivered desirable outcomes so far, and the transatlantic security partnership needs to redefine its strategy of outsourcing, while the discussions at the Warsaw NATO Summit should also serve as a basis for reflection. Is the transatlantic security partnership still able to provide credible tools for crisis management in the European Southern neighborhood? Do transatlantic institutions such as the EU and NATO continue to offer a normative model for regional stability? As U.S. and European strategic priorities may not always converge, it is crucial to look realistically at the way the Alliance can act efficiently in the region.
You can download the publication through the PDF button on the right and ream more on GMF's website.
#transatlantic security partnership #security #MENA #German Marshall Fund of the US #NATOExpertise: NATO and transatlantic security, European foreign policy and defense, French politics, elections and society, Visegrad Four and Central Europe, EU institutional issues