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What’s wrong with the EU policy towards North Korea and how to fix it

Naše výzkumná spolupracovnice Tereza Novotná napsala článek pro Friends of Europe ohledně postoje EU k Severní Koreji.
10. března 2020

Tereza Novotná ve svém článku rezebírá současný postoj EU k Severní Koree a zároveň nastiňuje jeho možné řešení.

The EU and, primarily, its member states think that North Korea is too far away and would rather prioritise urgent crises that are closer to home. Moreover, it is one of very few items the ‘westless’ West still agrees upon and the North Koreans want to negotiate directly with the Americans anyway. Yet all these three premises are wide off the mark and only lead to the EU’s self-inflicted helplessness in the area where Brussels could take a clear course of action with a potential for success.

Celý článek naleznete na Friends of Europe.


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