UK's Official Negotiation Strategy over Brexit: What We Know So Far

In principle, the UK’s negotiating position seeks a “deep and special partnership” with the EU post-Brexit, “not partial membership of the European Union, associate membership of the European Union, or anything that leaves [it] half-in, half-out”. More specifically, barring unexpected developments, the British government is to pursue the following policy objectives and priorities vis-á-vis Brexit.
According to many, it is, for example, highly unlikely that negotiations with the EU on a free trade deal will be finalized in two years. All the more considering the EU’s strong preference for phased negotiations (in contrast to parallel, two-track negotiations favoured by the UK).
In any case, the UK government is about to face a delicate task of balancing the increasing demand for information on the one hand and jeopardising its bargaining position on the other.
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