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Trump has reached a new low

Christian K. Lassen se ve svém blogu zaměřil na poslední návrh amerického prezidenta Donalda Trumpa, který upřel svojí pozornost na Grónsko.
22. srpna 2019

Trump svůj návrh popsal jako "v podstatě velký obchod s nemovitostí". Jak moc je tento návrh směšný a urážlivý vůči Dánsku, ale i samotnému Grónsku, popisuje ve svém blogu náš Christian K. Lassen.

To understand the degeneracy of Trump’s recent antics, context is needed. Denmark has proven to be one of the US’ most reliable allies in recent decades. Denmark has stood by the US in all its wars. Relative to population, Denmark has suffered more losses than the US in those wars due to having troops deployed in the harshest conflict zones in both Afghanistan and Iraq, such as the Helmand province. Denmark furthermore provides specialized radar equipment and logistical expertise to various other US missions, enabling vital intelligence gathering and supply lines to the US.

For now, Denmark will have to ride out this diplomatic debacle while preparing for the upcoming visit by Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, who is extremely popular amongst the Danish public, in late September. Perhaps the true cause of the cancellation lies in Trump’s fear of drawing a smaller crowd than Obama. Perhaps it lies in the counterproposal by Greenlandic Premier Kim Kielsen, who offered to buy the US cheaply courtesy of the astronomical US government debt. Whatever the case, Denmark – and the rest of the world – can only hope that the American people will elect a sane President in 2020. The prospect of Trump getting another term to reach new lows and fits of hysteria towards close allies. For the American people, it is undignified.

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