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The Waxing and Waning of EU-US Love Story

Náš Jakub Malhocký se ve svém nejnovějším blogu věnuje první oficiální návštěvě prezidenta Donalda Trumpa v Evropě.
7. června 2017

While the President himself tweeted that his European journey “was a great success”, others likened his visit to that of a “drunk tourist’s” rampaging; referring to Mr. Trump’s two-round handshake battle with the French President Emmanuel Macron, or to him shoving Montenegrin Prime Minister Dusko Markovic aside prior to a photoshoot at the NATO headquarters.

Hitherto, Mr. Trump’s visit was expected – or hoped – to shed some light into how the President’s team aspires to conduct itself in dealings with its trans-Atlantic partner.

This move, however, must be approached with caution and will require deliberate decision-making if the EU is to emerge intact; increasing integration has become a sensitive topic within the EU, which an increasing number of individuals and entities both internally and externally oppose.

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