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The Consequences of Climate Change – Will Russia Emerge as an Unlikely Winner from Lack of Action?

Naše Alžběta Jurčová se ve svém nejnovějším blogu věnuje problematice klimatických změn a jejich důsledkům v kontextu Ruska.
10. července 2017

Russia thus far only has made an effort to curb emissions when and where it is economically beneficial, making emissions reduction efforts in Russia inconsistent at best, inconsequential at worst.

For Russia, large parts of its territory will gain a new agricultural potential, given the rising temperatures and the gradual thawing of the soil. In this regard, Russia could therefore derive significant benefits, not only in terms of increasing its share of oil and fossil fuel production, but also in terms of diversifying its economy

What seems to be of note within the current debate about the future of climate change action is that Russia poses a bigger threat to the future than the U.S. does. Whereas the Trump administration’s categorical denial of and skepticism towards climate change is unlikely to extend past his administration’s term, Russia’s stance – much like its government itself – is unlikely to change.

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